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Since the Fall of 2008, the student numbers attempting to enroll in a class have risen (DRAMATICALLY).  We have seen dramatic increases in the number of students who want to add a class.

- it is the last class I need to graduate and be happy.

- it is the last class I need in order to transfer to CSUN

- it is the last class I need in order to transfer to UCLA [USC, or another university]

- it is the last class I need to get my degree and get a job to support my family.

- I need the class in order to stay in the country.

- I need the class to keep my insurance and if I lose my insurance I cannot afford my medication for the tumor I have, and ...

- I need the class to play sports

- I need the class because ....


All good reasons, some more practical, and a few may be an ethical imperative for me.


However - I did not confound the economy, spend us trillions further into debt, create programs that will cost us trillions more, and fund entities that contribute to the weakening of the world economic system.  It is not my fault that the state of California spends hundreds of millions on programs that will never help a single citizen of this state.  It simply is not my fault.  I can only do what I have been told is the policy of the department and college.


YOUR case may be interesting to you, but it does not change the policy of the department / college.


You and 50% of the class have the exact same story.  What do you want me to do?  Comply with your wishes.  I have a few wishes of my own - I am behind on a few loans - please take care of them.  I need a new roof - please take care of that.  I would like a large wrought iron gate for the front of my home - please send it over. 


I have wishes as well, but your wishes somehow are more important.  It might be reasonable to remind me that it is my job to teach, and add students and it is not your job to send me a gate.  True, but given the fact it is my job to teach and add students, I must also follow the rules of my department, and the college - not you and begging and whining. 


My department has several requirements, one of which is that I do not add beyond a specified number. 


Your response might be, but there are still desks empty - yes, and you have the money to afford a large wrought iron gate for me ... and the point is.   The number of desks is immaterial to the request by the department.  You may also respond with a comment about 'it's just one more' ... and again, so .... a lifeboat holds 12, can you manage 13, perhaps, how about 14 - nope, the boat sinks and everyone drowns.  But it was just one more.  So ... 


"I didn't sign the list but I was there and I should get to add ...  " - so ...

I provide a list and or a means of adding when it is possible - either using a ticket system or otherwise.

I call out your name or number (or place your number on a list) and you don't hear me, although everyone else does and I don't add you ... so .. it is your responsibility, not mine.


I am very fair and very tolerant, but at a point I will stop and I have a default answer - NO.  No to anything - no more time, no more chances, no more anything.  No.  Go away and leave me alone.

It is not your class, nor your rules.  I am as fair as possible.  If you don't think so, that is your opinion, not mine, nor a majority of students.


If I get hassles from students regarding adding, what will happen is the following:  ANYONE who wants to add will be told NO and I will direct them to you to express their displeasure.  It is easy, quick, and will spare everyone the wasted time dealing with your drama.



ADDING in 2013 and beyond:

All registered students who are NOT in class on day 1, WILL BE DROPPED.
- what if you are in Papua New Guinea attending a funeral?  You will be dropped.
- what if you have to work?  You will be dropped.
- what if your mother had to go in for open-heart surgery?  You will be dropped.

ALL registered students who are NOT in class on day 2, will be dropped.
- what if you are in Mozambique attending a funeral?  You will be dropped.
- what if you have to work?  You will be dropped.
- what if your mother had to go in for open-heart surgery?  You will be dropped.


If you do not want to be dropped, be in class.


If I call the roster (and or pass around the roster) and you do not answer, you are absent and will be dropped. 
You may not come to me later and say you did not hear me -  NO ONE has ever said I speak softly - and you didn't hear but everyone else did.

It is YOUR responsibility to be quiet and listen for your name. 


If I stop the process of calling names, and ask you for your student ID and you do not have one, or you do not know it, you will be dropped.


If I determine you have answered for a missing friend, I will exclude your missing friend, and you.


If you are dropped, you will have to adhere to the same rules everyone else follows to get added back to the class.

THERE ARE NO APPEALS for being dropped.   I do not care if someone was talking next to you - you should have moved.  I do not care if you didn't hear me - it is your responsibility to have been listening. NO.  AND IF YOU WHINE, THE ANSWER WILL REMAIN NO.

For those of you who are concerned that someone will be slick enough to finagle a way into the class - it is possible but not likely. 

For those students who are not registered, we will follow the below listed process.  Familiarize yourselves with this process to expedite the disbursement of ADD slips.

1) I WILL NOT add the first class.  No one - not even if Aishwarya Rai wanted to add, she would have to wait, at least until the 2nd class (and if you had any idea what I thought of her it would be a good indicator that NO ONE will be added the first class *unless there are more desks than students who want to add).








If there are still too many students by the 2nd class period we will use a lottery system.


2) All students who are not registered will be dealt with first - before I continue with registered students.  All NON-REGISTERED students will be given a number and then told to leave.  You MUST return for the 2nd class and WAIT OUTSIDE. 

3) At the start of the 2nd class period, I will have a list on the door outside with a number that will correspond to the number you have on a piece of paper I gave you during class 1.    If you showed up and your number is on the list, wait outside until I open the door. If your number is not listed, the answer is NO.  I will not and can not add anyone that class or any other - I am truly, very sorry, but the answer is NO.  And no, there is NO chance I will or could add you in 2-3 class periods.  Not going to happen.  Even if someone drops, I will not add.

4) When I do open the door ONLY those students who have a number that matches the number I called will be given an add slip.  If you LOSE your number/paper, you WILL NOT be given another chance - EVEN if your number was listed, without the paper I gave you, you forfeit your place.  If you are not waiting to be let into the class on the 2nd class period, you lose your right to get an add slip.

5)  I will give out add slips ONLY to those students who have a number that matches the number on my list.  The student will then leave the class and will not return until they have gone to Admissions and been added to the class.  You will have 24 hours from the day/time I give you the receipt to register, after which the add slip will be void, and you will not be given another slip. When you return to class, YOU MUST have your add slip or your space is forfeit. to add the class. 

6) By the end of the 2nd class period we will have a full class and be finished with adds.  Starting with class 3 (although we will begin class lecture in class 2), I will not do any further adding - EVEN if students drop and or do not register with the add slips I provided.  No more adds.  I am sorry but that is the way it is.


There are NO APPEALS.  I understand this is the one class that your entire life hinges on, but we have a process and we follow the process and when we are not happy with the process we live with it and move on.  We don't get to keep returning to the trough for 2nd and 3rd attempts, in an effort to see if we can change the result.   If you whine, I guarantee you will not get into the class (and I decide what whining is).

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